Holiday Short Stories 2015

Photographed by Ashley

hssblog0001I get sooooo excited about Holiday Short Stories - it is SO fun to get so many of the same families, and always a few new ones, in front of my camera.  It's like homecoming for Story Photographers alumni.  It's getting to hug people I've known all my life.  It's photographing some of my very best friends.  It's long hours spent with our sweet admin assistant Leah as she helps manage the madness while I shoot.  What's not to love?!  This year as I have talked about a lot, the weather totally messed everything up and so these minis span over three days instead of two.  I am so thankful for this fun tradition. You can see how some of these babies have grown by checking out the first year of Holiday Short Stories here and then the second year here (and I think you will recognize other past couples and family shoot participants).  Enjoy these sweet faces!hssblog0002hssblog0003hssblog0004hssblog0005hssblog0006hssblog0007hssblog0008hssblog0009hssblog0010hssblog0011hssblog0012hssblog0013hssblog0014hssblog0015hssblog0016hssblog0017hssblog0018hssblog0019hssblog0020hssblog0021hssblog0022hssblog0023hssblog0024hssblog0025hssblog0026hssblog0027hssblog0028hssblog0029hssblog0030hssblog0031hssblog0032hssblog0033hssblog0034hssblog0035hssblog0036hssblog0037hssblog0038hssblog0039hssblog0040


Family Story: The G Family


Wedding Story: Rachel and Adam