Family Story: The G Family

Photographed by Ashley

Garcia0019 copyThis is another one of those sweet, sweet families that I've been photographing for a few years now and I have LOVED watching this family grow!  They've added a son since I started taking their pictures, and these two brothers are now (mostly) sweet friends.  I loved their energy early in the morning, and how excited they were by passing planes and construction vehicles.  Life is big and wonderful for the two brothers in this post.  I can't wait to tell their story again in the future!Garcia0023 copyGarcia0027 copyGarcia0068 copyGarcia0078 copyGarcia0088 copyGarcia0092 copydadmomGarcia0097 copyGarcia0107 copyGarcia0117 copyGarcia0128 copyGarcia0129 copyGarcia0132 copy 


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Holiday Short Stories 2015