Family Story: Judah's Birth Day
Photographed by Ashley
This was a PERFECT first birth story for me (Ashley). We know the Calverts from Campbell... and it just so happens that David Calvert and I are like 4th or 5th cousins (or something like that- who knows-lets just say distant relatives). Sarah approached me about shooting their first child's entrance to the world and I did not even have to think about it- YES YES YES. I was a part of shooting Sarah and David's wedding and have had them in front of the camera just last year for a love shoot at the fair. They knew they wanted to start trying for a baby and wanted to do one last shoot to capture them as a family of two.If you and I are Facebook friends you might have seen what a wild weekend I had when the Calverts went into labor. It had been a busy weekend of hosting people our home and very little sleep. David and Sarah called me up to let me know that they were in Raleigh, Sarah was having contractions but she was not dilated enough to be admitted. It was late at night and Sarah was not feeling good so instead of them driving the hour back to their house we insisted they come to our place for a few hours until Sarah had progressed enough to be admitted to the hospital. So the story begins at our house...
... the laboring continued and at midnight David sang "Happy Birthday" to Sarah. She was going to get a baby for her birthday!
At around 1am the Calverts went back to the hospital and this time were admitted. I arrived around 3:34am...
... and the baby arrived at 4:43! David and Sarah found out for the first time that they had a boy!!
Well, welcome to the world, Judah Aaron Calvert.
Judah's Daddy proudly tweeting about his arrival :)
It was such an honor to be a part of Judah's first few hours out in the world. What a gift.
Hanging out in recovery...
(more proud Daddy tweeting occurred)
Judah, I can't wait to get you (and your Mom and Dad) in front of the camera again!! If I could have, I would have posted atleast a 100 pictures from this birth story... it was that amazing. Judah, you did so good and my GOODNESS you are handsome :) OH... Here is a shot of me and my David visiting Judah the next day...