Family Story: Baby I turns One... then has a party!

Photographed by Ashley

Isaac-0023 copyBaby I's parents are some of our dearest friends from our time at Campbell University - classmates, roommates, bandmates, etc.  We love these people!!  And just like all people we love it is surreal and wonderful and mind-blowing to watch them create this whole new life who is like them and yet his own little person all at the same time.  I wanted to put both Baby I's actual first birthday and then his party (two different days) into this blogpost- you are going to fall over from the cuteness.  It's like we JUST took Baby I's newborn pictures and then we blinked and now he is one.  Where does the time go??  The benefit to blogging both his birth day AND his party is that you get to see him devour a smash cake twice.  This one was not one of those kids that isn't too interested in their cake.  This little man LOVED IT.  Baby I, we are so honored to get to watch you grow!Isaac-0035 copyIsaac-0054 copyIsaac-0062 copyIsaac-0085 copyIsaac-0093 copyIsaac-0102 copyIsaac-0106 copyIsaac-0116 copyIsaac-0120 copyIsaac-0137 copyIsaac-0143 copyIsaac-0147 copyIsaac-0155 copyIsaac-0160 copyIsaac-0167 copyIsaac-0172 copyIsaac-0175 copy 

 And now for some party images...

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Wedding Story: Sara and Doug


Personal Story: Our Ninth Anniversary